Hello, I'm Samantha (she/her), 36 years old from the Netherlands, where I live with my two cats. I'm aroace and a homebody.
I love reading books, especially fantasy but also open to other genres. I also love video games, mostly (j)rpg's and action-adventure. I'm a weeb as well. I enjoy watching anime and reading manga. My fandoms are quite varried, though. Too many to list here.
Other hobbies include cooking, taking walks, writing, and drawing. I used to RP a lot back in the day, but these days I write about nerd stuff on a Dutch website. Drawing is also purely a hobby for me and I'm not consistent with it. I mostly draw fanart with traditional materials (inks etc).
I can be found on other socials under chronicvillainy (tumblr, artfol, goodreads, storygraph, myanimelist), except for instagram. I'm chronic.villainy & chronicvillainy.art on there. I also have a Discord, but prefer only giving out that handle to folks I at least know a bit.
I also used to run a tiny book blog on Wordpress. With social media being as they are in the year of 2023, I sometimes wonder if I shouldn't just return to blogs and make my own art website I can share. Even if I prefer to share my fanart with others in the fandom.
Finally I'm often on mobile so excuse my typos!